Florida in December YES please!
Look it is getting cold in Texas and I am not a cold weather person, so Florida is definitely the place to be in December. Now the weather did do some funky things to start with I guess it was just trying to be nice and let us adjust a little before it showed me why I love coming to this event!
I love the first day of a repeat event. I get to see people I haven't seen in a year reminisce on last year's action as well as catch up on everything we have been up to in the past year.
The weather was just ick. it was cold it was wet it made me feel like I never left Texas! The dogs loved it through and really gave it all they some even more than they had the breaks to stop with! No one was hurt but made for some fun and dynamic photos!
The weather was BEAUTIFUL everything I would expect from Florida! The dogs ran like it was summer break and by the end of the day my cheeks where soar and my ribs hurt from laughing. Sometimes you never really know what kind of people are going to come to these events but like always from the club members to the competitors everyone was kind and quick to laugh and joke with you.
Again Florida weather did not disappoint! Ands boy did it show in how the dogs ran! We stayed pretty busy as the day went on all in all it was just a great day to be out with friends both two and four legged in a day of TBMS!
Highlights of the day was getting to watch this baby Doggo getting to see what this game was all about and let me tell you he is going to be powerhouse once he gets old enough to play for real!
Sunday is the end of the event. It was bitter sweet having to say goodbye again to both old and new friends as we got ready to head back to Texas. I will say the best part of the day was getting to see the smile on a brand new Junior handlers face as she released her little dog for CAT she came back to me at the end to show me that not only are they both ready to enter the coursing world but she got her first title!